Apple recently paid $200M to acquire Lattice data

Around 2.5 Exabytes of data is produced everyday in the form of uploading pictures, videos text uploads, all this data is known as “Dark Data”. To solve this problem Apple has recently paid $200 million to acquire Lattice Data. Lattice data is a firm which has a goal of turning dark unstructured “dark data” including images and most probably text which can be handled using traditional data analysis systems. Apple has agreed upon a standard statement after confirming this acquisition.

Lattice detects the amount of unstructured data and the it categorizes the detected data in to properly labeled and well managed using AI for the optimal usage. Optimal usage is used in a way  that the data would be used for medical, researches and much more.

Lattice involves the core project of DeepDive, a system created at Stanford for “Extracting values from dark data”.

20 engineers have joined Apple to work for this “Dark Data”.


In our modern, accelerated and connected world, digital world is producing a large amount of data with a great pace. Report says that there was 4.4 zettabytes of data which was produced on system using social media platforms and much more.And this projected to grow to 44 zettabytes by 2020. IBM report says that 90 percent of this 44 zettabytes has been produced since last 2 years.

data produced every day