All Keyboard Shortcuts

Hi guys, I am going to tell you about 10 best and useful shortcut keys of keyboard which will save your time.

Most of the new PC users know about what “Alt+F4” does or “Ctrl+C or Ctrl+V” does. This article contains such most amazing keyboard shortcuts which if used properly could save a lot of time and effort. So let’s get started.

  • Rotating PC Screen

Alt+Ctrl+Down Arrow: Rotates your screen by 180 degrees position.

Alt+Ctrl+Up Arrow: Rotates your screen to the normal position.

Alt+Ctrl+Right Arrow: Rotates you screen right-ward.

Alt+Ctrl+Left Arrow: Rotates your screen Left-ward.

Windows+L: Locks your PC. If you are sick of your friend, who always play games, do his/her homework on your PC and even he watches movies on you PC, it is totally annoying thing for you obviously. To avoid these events, just click Windows+L. It will lead to Lock screen windows. 

Youtube Trick (Press F): Play youtube video and Press F to make your video spreading on Full Screen.

Changing Language Keyboard:  Press WINDOWS+SPACEBAR to change switch between multi lingual keyboard to type in.

Browser Trick (Press F11): If you want to hide your browser’s toolbar and Pc’s Taskbar, Press F11 when running the browser it will let you feel better. You will be just focused on your On-Screen windows and can do more things without getting disturbed by any other activity.

Ctrl+T: If you are working in browser and you want to go for a new tab just press Ctrl+T, and you will be in new tab.

Ctrl+J: View your downloads in you Browser.

Ctrl+N: Opens new windows in your browser.

Ctrl+Shift+Q: Exits browser.

Ctrl+Shift+T: In Chrome and Firefox you can use undo closing a tab using CTRL + SHIFT + T.

Ctrl+Click: If you are working in word and you want to visit the hyperlink use these keys.

Open the task manager directly If you want to bypass the interrupt that happens when pressing CTRL + ALT + DEL and jump right to the task manager, typing CTRL + Shift + ESC launches it directly.

Windows+R: Open Run windows.Alt+Select: This shortcut allows you to select rectangular blocks of text in Word processors, something that is not possible with simple select.

F2: Allows you to rename the selected file.

Holding Shift while inserting a device with removable storage prevents automatic run.

Ctrl+F: This keyboard shortcut opens the Find option in any program.

Ctrl+Shift+I: Opens the inspect elements of the Browser in which it is coded. Mostly HTML, javascript, node.js.

Ctrl+S: If you are working on a software and want to quickly save your progress, this shortcut will come in handy.

Ctrl+Home and Ctrl+End: Useful for quickly going to the top and bottom of a page.

Ctrl+F5: Clears the cache and refreshes the current tab.

Shift+Right click: Open alternate right click options.

Alt+Double click: Open the file’s properties. Alt+Enter can also be used for this.

Ctrl+P: Useful for printing the current page.

Space Bar: While viewing a web page in a browser, pressing space bar moves the page down.

Alt+Prntscr: Just press this key to take a screenshot of your computer windows. You can use this screenshot to paste using “Ctrl+V”. You can view recorded screenshot in pasting it in Paint, MS Wrod, Excel, Powerpoint and also in Social Websites.

Windows key+D: This shortcut is used to “Show the Desktop”. It is useful for quickly minimizing every open window when someone walks in and you are doing some private work.

Alt+Tab: Combination of Alt+Tab allows you to go through the multiple windows you are working in. Each click of these keys allows the user to switch between working windows. If fingers are left off. You are switched to the desired windows.


Ctrl+Click: This shortcut is useful for opening a link in a background tab. very useful when you have to load a page without leaving the current one.

Ctrl+T: It opens new tab in internet browsers.

Ctrl+Shift+T: Reopens the last closed tab.

Ctrl+Shift+N: This shortcut opens a new incognito window in Google Chrome.

Ctrl+Shift+P: Opens a new private window in Mozilla Firefox.

Ctrk+Shift+N: Opens incognito tab in Chrome.

Ctrl +: Allows you to zoom in web pages in web browsers.

Ctrl + –: This shortcut does the reverse of the previous shortcut.

Ctrl+0: Reset the webpage’s zoom.

Ctrl+B: Bold your text in document(s) like MS OFFICE, and other online tools.

Ctrl+U: Underlines text of your document(s).

Ctrl+I: Makes your text stylish “Text”.

Ctrl+H:  Shows your browser’s history if pressed in opened Browser.

Fn+F2: Turns on and off your Laptop’s wifi connection.

Ctrl+X: Cut your selected content.

Ctrl+Z: Undo your task.

Ctrl+C: Copies you content.

Ctrl+V: Pastes your content which was copied.

Some of the shortcut keys which I may forget to tell you. If you know some other keyboard shortcuts other than I mentioned to do so, tell us  in Leave a reply section. Your ideas should be added in this blog with your name.